“Lilach, thank you so much for the coaching session, I will never forget it…you have made a huge impact in my life … You have given me hope and clarity of mind. You have helped me to prioritise what is important to me and I am most thankful for that…” Vivien K. Auckland



Lilach Cohen

Certified Health and Wellness Practitioner | Holistic Life Coach MSc | PT | Yoga Instructor

Hi there, my name is Lilach (pronounced Lee-lah or Lilac) and I am a Holistic Health and Wellness Provider. Working and supporting people of all backgrounds to achieve their health and wellness goals.

My holistic approach incorporates mind, body, and soul practices. I use an open and pragmatic approach to help you develop a toolbox of skills to help you with everyday challenges. I give you answers and insights and connect you with the information you need to find your way onto the right path.

It could be that you feel trapped and confused, or just need someone who will listen. I believe that you have all the answers within. You just need someone to help you uncover those answers. Happiness starts when you align your mind, body, and soul.

My mission is to empower positive change and to encourage you to live a happy, healthy, and fulfilling life. To find all the answers that you were looking for and most importantly to find peace from within.

Have you been feeling trapped lately? Not sure what to do? Need guidance, answers, and clarity?

Call now 022 6078923 let’s talk.


Empower Positive Change

UpFitNZ was born from the concept of “fitness and food” for the mind, body, and soul. What you “feed” your mind can either lift your spirit or drag you down. By using a holistic approach to health and wellness, where mind over matter” does actually matter, and by focusing on perception and how one's perception can change the physical world. We encourage you to explore new ways, uplift your spirit, empower positive change, and put you onto the right path.

When you feel happy and at peace within; your mind and body will follow. It is much simpler than you may think.

  • Let your body move, free your mind, and let your Soul Sing.

  • Train your mind to think positive thoughts by allowing yourself to feel strong and fit.

  • Feed your mind with positive words of affirmation and choose healthy nourishing foods to feel lighter and happier.

By incorporating psychic activity with holistic emotional and mental techniques, the change can only be positive. When we fully understand who we are, we can then set achievable health and wellness goals that we can easily reach.

"A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for.” John A. Shedd.

Sending you Love, Peace, and Harmony.

Please don’t hesitate to call 022 60 789 23

Lilach Cohen

Specialized in Anxiety / Depression / Eating Disorders / Mental Disabilities / PTSD/ Life Transitions / Yoga / Meditation / Physical activity and recreation / Personal Trainer / Nutrition / Art Therapy

You must always know that your life is full of purpose and that everything that happens to you occurs for a reason. The key to personal fulfillment lies in recognizing your uniqueness and then learning how to apply your special talents to change your world.
— Ask The Kabbalah