Become the best version of yourself.

“Feel Alive’ Yoga / Fitness Classes

Don’t you just love the feeling of happiness? the feeling of achievement after exercise?

Do you want to strengthen, lengthen, feel fantastic, and look great in your clothes?

Our qualified Personal Trainer and Yoga Instructor runs mindful fitness classes that will make you feel amazing.

Are you ready to explore this new sensation?

Personal Nutrition Advise

Don’t you just wish you had a magic wand to stop and heal your eating habits? Don’t you just want to look and feel fantastic in your body? Don’t you just want to lose the “weight” that is weighing you back?

Happiness depends on what you “feed” your mind, body and soul. Learn new mindful eating habits. Learn how to tune in to your gut health.

Now you can!

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”.

Affirmation and Mindset Techniques

Do you feel down, stressed and anxious? Do you feel like you are just hanging there? Do you want to feel enlightened, confidant and alive?

Your success may well come down to what you do mentally just as much as what you do physically.

Retrain your thinking and speaking into a positive affirmation. Learn how to speak to yourself with compassion. Learn ‘self-love’ and create the best version of yourself.

Are you ready to invest in your life, transform your life completely and find happiness?

Mindfulness Meditation Classes

Do you find yourself sometimes stuck in a vicious cycle of thoughts? Stressful thoughts, that makes you feel unsettled? Do you wish sometimes, that you had a magic wand to reduce stress and brain chatter?

Mindfulness Meditation means to truly immerse all of your aspects into one single moment and just be. Being present and ‘in the moment’ can boost positive change and create a healthy life, not only for your mind and soul but also for your entire body.

Discover what it means to truly feel mind, body and soul align.

Are you ready to find the silence within and experience life beyond limitation?

Art Therapy Classes

Don’t you just love art? What about nature?

How would you like to learn to paint with natural resources? Create natural dyes and paint with spices?

Come and immerse yourself with all of Mother Earth’s gifts and beauty, and allow yourself to paint, play and express your life triumphs through the use of natural resources. 

Are you ready to invest in your well-being, feel fulfilled and happy within?


“Lilach was amazing, she made a real difference in my life.” “Your knowledge and your compassion helped my wife to overcome depression and now she seems more confident. The change was evident even in our kid’s lives. She is much happier and calmer. Very helpful. Thank you so much…” - Rima T. Auckland

“Lilach thank you so much for the coaching session. I will never forget it…you have made a huge impact in my life … You have given me hope and clarity of mind. I now understand that the foods I was eating were not the right nutrition for me and I am so happy with the fitness programme you wrote for me. Thank you, you have helped me to prioritise what is important to me and I am most thankful for that…” Vivien K. Auckland

“Lilach is very passionate, enthusiastic and supportive.” - Caitlin W. Auckland

“It was such a pleasure to talk to you. I was feeling heavy for a while, but now feel so relieved and happy. Lilach, thank you so much for your guidance I am looking forward to our next coaching session” Sarita R. Auckland

“Lilach is such an inspiration, and motivated to make a difference in people’s lives.” - Kelly P. Auckland.

“Lilach gives great advice, friendly and professional.” Michelle B. Auckland

“A few months ago, my husband and I started going to one of Lilach's “Feel Alive’ mindful fitness classes. I thought it would be a good thing for my husband and I to do together, as my husband is a cancer survivor, and has had a double hip replacement, and waiting for both knees to be repaired. I liked the idea we could have this time together building our fitness. I thought I had a pretty good core fitness level until.....Lilach's UpFitnz class. Lilach's hour and a half class are a blend of meditation, yoga, pilates, aerobics, bums & tums and core strength training. Fantastic value for money as not only do we come away feeling like we have worked our mind and body hard, (and yes we sure have!) we are also making some lovely friendships. Thank you Lilach for pushing us to find the best version of ourselves.” Angela & Te Kani Te Wiata